2019 Goals

Hello beautiful people!

This is somewhat of a more personal level post today simply because it’s a new year and that always calls for goal setting, motivation, and searching for new challenges.

I was given a journal a few years ago which I had great intentions of sitting down to write in every day or week – we all know how that goes – but instead it has interestingly taken on the form of an annual new year journal. I have written in it since 2016 – about when my life took an enormous shift – and opening it this year on the 2nd January to read back on where I was at in life over that past two years was pretty amazing.

God life has changed. My goals surprisingly have not. I may feel on many days that I’m treading water and not getting anywhere but reading through the entries gave me huge insight as to how much I am shaping my little world slowly but surely into something safe, happy, and joyous. Safety and security are my two biggest wishes in life. That can take on a number of forms but ultimately all my little hopes and goals come down to achieving just that.

So where was I, where am I going, and what am I working towards?

2016 was my rock bottom year as those of you who know me personally will already be aware of. I had walked away from my fiance due to his mental health challenges, and was struggling with the depression of losing him, no money, no savings, and rock bottom self esteem from years of emotional abuse. I did not leave him because I stopped loving him, making the separation nothing but soul destroying and gut-wrenching to me.

I moved five times in the space of 12 months. My short-lived rebound relationship ended abruptly, taking with it any sense of happiness with it. I started severing relationships with people who were exacerbating my crippling anxiety and low self-esteem, and just for fun developed bulimia while racking up debt due to constantly moving house, a job change, and a slowly-but-surely dying car.

What a winning year.

So where am I now? I have finally found a safe and peaceful place to live on my own and have been there for almost a year and a half. I swapped my dying Land Rover for a new Holden (I told you there was debt!) meaning I can get from point A to B with *air-conditioning*. I added a tiny kitten to our family to give my cat Kuma a friend to play with. I re-ignited my studies and now have only 2.5 units left to complete until I achieve my degree.

Morgan & Elwood had its biggest year of referral and repeat clients ever for hair and makeup. And while I lost a few friends, I have made some in the last 12 months that have brought me nothing but joy.

I’m not all there yet. But I can finally see the progress, I feel like I’ve found the light at the end of the tunnel and just need to keep my grip on it. And just to give you a little insight into my year ahead, here are my goals for 2019:

  1. Reduce my debts by at least 80% by December 31st 2019
  2. Finish my degree in August 2019
  3. Complete and publish a book I’m working on for families and loved ones of those with Bipolar disorder
  4. Complete a new, focused business plan for the future growth of Morgan & Elwood after August 2019
  5. Continue my volunteer work and aim to assist women’s domestic violence organisations

So there you have it, it’s been a bumpy few (you know… 25-30) years, but I’m getting that weird tingly feeling like maybe now.. just maybe… things might be starting to take a turn for the better.

What about you? Comment below or follow @morganandelwood on Instagram and Facebook.

All my love,

L xx

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  1. Happy New Year, beautiful đŸ™‚

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