Makeup for Change – Facing Domestic Abuse

Trigger warning: Domestic abuse, violence, PTSD, eating disorders, suicide, AVOs. Image Oliver Sjöström from Pexels Any one who has been following me on Facebook or Instagram has likely heard of the Morgan & Elwood ‘Makeup for Change’ project that I’m starting this year. If you haven’t heard about it, please go read up at our website. I…

Love is in the air…

Here’s a bit of a soppy one for you today, get the tissues ready, pour your third glass of wine, or put some love songs on YouTube in the background. A simple question I’m often asked is ‘do you get a lot of bridezillas’ or other nightmare clients, and my answer to this question is…

The Art of Being a (Kickass) Lady

Today is a little off topic but something I think is essential to the whole hair, makeup, beauty package. I’m noticing more and more that moving through the ages (you know – I’m actually a 400 year old vampire so I notice these things) we’re losing a lot of the art of being a lady. It’s becoming…

Blogs, Beauty & Bubbles

I cannot believe I am finally back at it after so long since I last wrote and now this year has so much promise and excitement ahead as we leave hideous 2016 behind, and celebrate 2017! Any of you who know me know 2016 was a real doozy, but my 2017 so far has been…

“One more facelift & you’ll be able to blink your lips”

Morris – First Wives Club Another in our “Sister from Another Mister” Series, we discussed writing about the differences between normal cosmetic skincare and cosmeceutical skincare. I have already touched on this a little but I thought what might be even more useful is to tell you guys a little about the way skincare products…

Part One: Are you even Legit?

So I asked my very best BFF what else people would like to know and she said ever so wisely, “what to look out for at a beauty salon that indicates they’re legit and hygienic” among other things. So I bring to you the ever so brilliant Sister from Another Mister Series – Part One:…

Who Run the World?

Time for a feel good wonder, because while beauty and makeup are my thang, the other half of the equation has a little more substance and purpose in life. I have been a super lucky duck to have been surrounded with some of the most incredible women during my life and when I was teeny…